5th Annual Wrap Up

Where does the time go? It is hard to believe that it has already been 2 months since the 5th annual event! We have had a busy two months planning the new pavilion at River’s Park (Milltown Skate Park) as well as repainting the ramps there. We also have been working with Jay, at Madman Designs and Faith’s Lodge on permanent tree plaque memorials and this is wrapping up soon as well! They turned out more beautiful than words can describe. Lastly, we have been working on all of the loose ends that go along with hosting a major event! We spend 5-6 months preparing for each year and another 2-3 months wrapping it all up. Very, very thankful for our team of 7 that help get everything done!

We raised just about $8,000 this year putting our grand total of the last 5 years over $50,000!! This is amazing and so very heartwarming. I do not have the official race results handy at the moment or I would post them in addition to this update so check back for those and some pictures as well.

We want to thank the countless number of people that help this organization function. From hands and feet asking for donations to the donors themselves and everyone in between, we could not do this without you. We could not help the number of people that we do without your constant support. THANK YOU!! Looking forward to next year!